Overcoming Challenges With Mindfulness

Bonus Episode One:
Overcoming Challenges With Mindfulness

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In This Episode, You'll Discover:

  • Bullying hurts and what you can do about it 
  • What mindfulness is and how it helps you to overcome your obstacles 
  • How to stay mindful and calm even in bad situations

Wisdom from Bruce

  • Practice deep breathing to calm, relax, and center yourself 
  • Journal your thoughts and feelings to understand and work through your challenges 
  • Engage in meditation to reduce stress and increase self-awareness

About Bruce

Bruce Langford is a speaker, author, and podcaster who helps people use mindfulness to carve out a better, more fulfilling life. He has worked as a bullying prevention speaker since 2003 when he decided to leave his full-time teaching job and take action to address bullying head-on. He founded the company, ‘Stand Up Now’ to spread the message that when we all focus on respect, bullying will decline. Bruce is also host of the podcast, ‘Mindfulness Mode’ where his goal is to share how mindfulness can increase calm, focus and happiness for everyone, and ultimately reduce bullying.  

Bruce's website is MindfulnessMode.com.
You can email Bruce directly at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:


Words of Wisdom for Teens Book Series:  These award-winning books help teens and young adults take control of their lives by taking control of their mind. 

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