The Inner Super Power of Courage

Season Two: Episode Five:
The Inner Super Power of Courage

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In This Episode, You'll Discover:

  • You are more courageous than you realize. 
  • Fear is a human emotion, not something to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. 
  • How to tap into your Inner Super Power of Courage and go after what you want with confidence. 

Action Steps

GOAL: Use the Inner Super Power of Courage to over come your fear.


Grab your notebook and look back to what you wrote down from last week’s action step. Look at the fear and goal that you identified. Write down 2-3 baby steps you are committed to taking this week in real life to start moving closer to achieving your goal.


Spend the next 10 to 15 minutes thinking of the things you’ve been wanting to do but thought you didn’t have the courage for. Write down whatever comes to mind. 


Next, pick two to three things from that list that you are committed to doing to this week to challenge yourself and strengthen your courage muscle.

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Book: Unleash Your Inner Super Powers (Now re-titled to: Jump Start Your Confidence)
Stop the Bully Within Podcast- Season One
Podcast: Season Two: The Inner Super Power of Words
Podcast: Season One, Episode 5: How to Stay Calm Even in Difficult Situations


Words of Wisdom for Teens Book Series:  These award-winning books help teens and young adults take control of their lives by taking control of their mind. 

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